Informatic systems
Developement and integration through interfaces of internal informatic systems and customers’ ones.
To ensure speed, reliability and traceability of supplied services, Cab Log make use of an Integrated System, real-time monitored and managed directly by Cab Log ICT group
Competence areas:
- Windows server 2012 Operating Systems
- SQL 2008 R2 Databases
- Linux distributions Operating Systems
- Networks Setup / Management (LAN, WAN, WLAN)
- Network and Data Security Systems
Cloud Datacenter (managed by Telecom Italia):
- Failover and Balanced Networks
- Different Datacenter / Warehouses / Business Offices Data Link technologies:
- Primary Link xDSL
- Secondary Link Failover / Balancing (different technology from primary)
- Backup Link through UMTS technology
- Warehouse Management System: Stock System – REPLICA
- 320 Barcode scanners wireless devices
- 30 Voice radio wireless devices
- Transport and Distribution Management System: Show Trip – REPLICA
- Enterprise Resource Planning System: Navision – MICROSOFT – Accounting
- Business Intelligence System: Qlikview – QLIKTECH
Enterprise Service Bus (Messaging, Transformation, Routing for transmissions and data translations):
- Messaging (Connectivity and Transmission)
- Supported protocols: AS2, FTP, SFTP, FTPS, SCP, MAIL
- Transformation (Mapping and Translations To/From Customer)
- Inbound/Outbound interfaces (ORDERS, DESADV, RECADV, PRODAT, INVRPT and others with partner translator)
- Routing (Scripting and Automations)
- Ad Hoc Schedulations and Frequency for Data Trasmissions (every 5 minutes / singles occurrences / others to be defined with customer agreement)
Datacenter Services:
- DRP (disaster recovery plan) certified with Telecom Italia provider (services and applications on DR by demand to be defined with customer agreement)
- RTO (recovery time objective) and RPO (recovery point objective) to be defined with customer agreement
- BCP (business continuity plan) ad hoc to be defined with customer agreement